Ground Rules

  1. Respect and Confidentiality: Members must respect each other’s privacy and maintain confidentiality about shared experiences within the group. What is shared within the group should stay within the group, fostering an environment of trust and safety.
  2. Active Listening: Practice active listening by giving full attention to the speaker without interrupting. This includes refraining from side conversations and providing supportive feedback when appropriate.
  3. Non-judgmental Attitude: Cultivate an atmosphere free from judgment, criticism, or unsolicited advice. Every individual’s experience is valid and deserving of empathy and understanding.
  4. Participation and Contribution: Encourage active participation and contribution from all members. While sharing personal experiences is voluntary, contributing to discussions and offering support to peers is encouraged.
  5. Empathy and Support: Offer empathy, validation, and support to fellow members without judgment or comparison. Validate each other’s feelings and experiences, acknowledging the courage it takes to share openly.
  6. Respect Boundaries: Respect personal boundaries and limitations. Avoid pressuring others to share more than they’re comfortable with and recognize when someone needs space or time to process.
  7. Solution-oriented Approach: Focus on constructive dialogue and solution-oriented discussions. While it’s important to acknowledge challenges, the group aims to explore coping strategies, resilience-building techniques, and pathways to growth.
  8. Accountability and Responsibility: Take accountability for one’s own words and actions within the group. Recognize the impact of your contributions and be willing to apologize and learn from mistakes if necessary.
  9. Mindful Communication: Practice mindful communication by using “I” statements to express personal feelings and experiences, avoiding assumptions about others’ experiences, and being mindful of language that may trigger or harm others.
  10. Mutual Support: Offer support and encouragement to fellow members both during group meetings and outside of them. Build connections and foster a sense of community by reaching out to peers in need and celebrating each other’s successes.

Terms of Use

  1. Participation/Membership: By participating in our group, you acknowledge and agree to abide by these terms of use. Membership is open to individuals who have attended Pacific Solstice or have a connection to its community.
  2. Non-Professional Nature: Please note that Life After Solstice is not a professional group, and no members are licensed medical or mental health professionals. Any advice, guidance, or support offered within the group is based solely on personal experiences and should not be considered professional advice or treatment.
  3. Confidentiality: We uphold strict confidentiality within the group. Members must not share personal information or stories shared within the group outside of the platform. Respect for privacy and confidentiality is paramount to fostering a safe and supportive environment.
  4. Personal Responsibility: Members are responsible for their own well-being and decisions. While support and guidance are offered within the group, individuals should consult with qualified professionals for any medical or mental health concerns.
  5. Mutual Respect: Respect for all members is fundamental. Harassment, discrimination, or disrespectful behavior will not be tolerated. Every member’s experience is valid and deserving of empathy and understanding.
  6. No Endorsement: Life After Solstice does not endorse or promote any specific products, services, or treatments. Any recommendations or referrals made within the group are based on personal experiences and should be evaluated independently by each member.
  7. Disclaimer of Liability: Participation in Life After Solstice is voluntary, and members assume all risks associated with their involvement. The group administrators and moderators are not liable for any consequences resulting from interactions or information shared within the group.
  8. Modification of Terms: These terms of use may be updated or modified periodically. Members will be notified of any changes, and continued participation in the group constitutes acceptance of the revised terms.

By signing-up, joining, and/or participating with Life After Solstice, you agree to these terms of use and commit to contributing positively to our community of support and growth.